Start Selling Online

With BrandBuilder your customers can place an order on
your very own customized eCommerce webpage. We'll
take care of all your inventory management requirements
and you'll have your very own eCommerce website without
the hassle at a very small price.

Across all your favourite devices

How it Work's


Add the names of products you sell,
their cost per unit and number
of those units available


We'll keep a track of your inventory
and update the availability of the
products on your webpage


Your customers shop for your products
online and pay through our payment

What you'll get

Front-End Page

Here all your products will be listed along with their
pricing and this page will be attached to your domain

Inventory Control Page

Here you'll be listing your products, their pricing and
update the quantity of the products/SKUs

Our Support

From setting up your page to clearing any doubts you have ,
our team of superheroes is always there to help you out

Happy Customers

With our payment gateway , your customers will be able
to pay online seamlessly leading to many happy

Cost and Time Saving

You'll save on a lot of time that you'd usually spend
managing your inventory so you can focus on what
matters most to you

One Time setup cost

You 'll pay a one time flat fee for setting up your business with our platform
Transparent pricing without any hidden costs!

₹ 20,000

College Student ? Apply to get a fee waiver


per transaction

if Monthly orders
< 1000


per transaction

if Monthly orders
< 1,00,000


per transaction

if Monthly orders
> 1,00,000